DIY Felt Brooches

These are SUPER easy to make and perfect for wintery weather as well as spring! They make cute gifts too.

They require :

1. Felt: flowers/hearts/squares, whatever you can make or get your hands on!

I bought these flowers from a wool shop down the road for a $1.50 for the big felt flowers and 60 cents for the smallest.

2. Buttons! Go crazy

3. Back pin: do you want to make it a brooch, add a bobby pin on the back for a hair slide or attach it to a hair comb?

4. Glue/Needle and Thread: Depending on how comfortable you are with sewing. This project can either be glued together or sewed. I recommend gluing the felt pieces together and sewing on the backpin for extra security.

If you want to get extra jazzy, glue some leather offcuts for leaves!

Voila! You’re done.

Don’t forget to link back and show me how you went.

Happy Thursday

